Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The More You Practice Truth the Faster Your Progress in Life

A Hymn of God's Words The More You Practice Truth the Faster Your Progress in Life I 
The truth that man needs to possess is found in the word of God. A truth that's most beneficial and helpful to all mankind. It is the nourishing substance that your body requires, a truth that man should be equipped with. It helps restore his normal humanity. The more you practice God's word, the more quickly your life will blossom. The more you practice God's word, the clearer the truth becomes.

As you grow in stature you'll see the spiritual world more clearly. You'll have more power to triumph over Satan. Practice God's word and you'll grasp the truth. Most people are just satisfied to merely understand the text of God's word. Like Pharisees, they focus on doctrines, without experiencing its depth in practice. 
How can the phrase "the word of God is life" be true for them? Only by practicing God's word can man's life truly blossom. It cannot grow simply by reading God's word. It cannot grow simply by reading God's word. The more you practice God's word, the more quickly your life will blossom. The more you practice God's word, the clearer the truth becomes. The more you practice God's word, the more quickly your life will blossom. The more you practice God's word, the clearer the truth becomes. 

 If you think to understand God's word means to have life and stature, your understanding is warped. Truly understanding God's word occurs only when you practice the truth. You must understand only by practicing the truth can the truth ever be understood. Only by practicing the truth can the truth ever be understood. 

from "Practice the Truth Once You Understand It" in The Word Appears in the Flesh

The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the appearance and work of the returned Lord JesusAlmighty God, Christ of the last days, and also under His righteous judgment and chastisement. The church is comprised of all those who truly accept Almighty God's work of the last days and are conquered and saved by God's word.
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