Almighty God says, "God became flesh because the object of His work is not the spirit of Satan, or any incorporeal thing, but man, who is of the flesh and has been corrupted by Satan. It is precisely because the flesh of man has been corrupted that God has made fleshly man the object of His work; moreover, because man is the object of corruption, He has made man the only object of His work throughout all the stages of His salvation work. Man is a mortal being, is of flesh and blood, and God is the only One who can save man. In this way, God must become a flesh that possesses the same attributes as man in order to do His work, so that His work might achieve better effects. God must become flesh to do His work precisely because man is of the flesh, and incapable of overcoming sin or divesting himself of the flesh" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).
The last Christ, Almighty God, You are the Redeemer come again.This world, dark and evil, I desire more the light of my life. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. I've made up my mind to follow you.
Showing posts with label The Church of Almighty God Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Church of Almighty God Movies. Show all posts
Monday, August 19, 2019
Saturday, August 10, 2019
I Finally Understand What It Means to Do the Will of God (Part One)
By Xinshou, United States
Editor’s Note: Many people believe that merely by forsaking, expending, laboring, and working for the Lord, we are doing the Father’s will, but the Lord Jesus said, “Not every one that said to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name? and in Your name have cast out devils? and in Your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:21–23). Why did the Lord Jesus say those who work and preach in His name are workers of iniquity? Isn’t forsaking, expending, laboring, and working for the Lord doing the Father’s will? Just what does it mean to do the Father’s will? Sister Xinshou’s experience gives us an answer. Read on to learn more …
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique IV God’s Holiness (I)" (Part One)
God's words in this video are from the book "Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh".
The content of this video:
1. Jehovah God’s Command to Man
2. The Serpent’s Seduction of the Woman
Monday, July 29, 2019
God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique (V) God's Holiness (II)" (Part Three)
God's words in this video are from the book "Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh". The content of this video:
A. How Satan Uses Knowledge to Corrupt Man
B. How Satan Uses Science to Corrupt Man
C. How Satan Uses Traditional Culture to Corrupt Man
D. How Satan Uses Superstition to Corrupt Man
Thursday, July 25, 2019
God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique V God's Holiness (II)" (Part One)
Almighty God says, "It is because people live amongst corrupt disposition and dwell in a world of evil and filth. Everything they see, everything they touch, everything they experience is Satan’s evil and Satan’s corruption as well as the scheming, infighting, and war that occur among the people under the influence of Satan. Therefore, even when God performs His work in people, or even when He speaks to people and His disposition and substance are demonstrated to people, they are not able to see or accept what holiness is. What’s more, this is the reason why people often say God is holy. Because people live among filth and corruption and are under the domain of Satan, they do not see the light and do not know the positive matters or things and furthermore, do not know the truth. Therefore, no one truly knows what holy is."
Monday, July 22, 2019
The Word of Christ of the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique V: God's Holiness (II)" (Part Three)
God's words in this video are from the book The Word Appears in the Flesh. The content of this video:
1. How Satan Uses Knowledge to Corrupt Man
2. How Satan Uses Science to Corrupt Man
3. How Satan Uses Traditional Culture to Corrupt Man
4. How Satan Uses Superstition to Corrupt Man
Thursday, July 18, 2019
God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique V God's Holiness (II)" (Part Four)
Almighty God says, "Understanding the substance of God and knowing the substance of God provides immeasurable help to people’s life entry. I hope that you do not ignore this or see it as a game; because knowing God is the very essential basis and foundation for man’s faith in God and man’s pursuit of truth and salvation and something that must not be dispensed with. If man believes in God yet does not know God, and if man lives among some letters and doctrines, you will never achieve salvation even if you act and live in accordance with the superficial words of the truth."
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Word of God "God Himself, the Unique IX God Is the Source of Life for All Things (III)" (Part Two)
Word of God "God Himself, the Unique IX God Is the Source of Life for All Things (III)" (Part Two)
Almighty God says, "All things cannot be separated from God’s rule, and not a single person can separate themselves from His rule. Losing His rule and losing His provisions would mean that people’s lives, people’s lives in the flesh would disappear. This is the importance of God establishing environments for survival for mankind. It doesn’t matter what race you are or what piece of land you live on, be it in the West or the East—you cannot separate yourself from the environment for survival that God has established for mankind, and you cannot separate yourself from the nurturing and provisions of the environment for survival He has established for humans. No matter what your livelihood is, what you rely on to live, and what you rely on to sustain your life in the flesh, you cannot separate yourself from God’s rule and His management."
Friday, July 12, 2019
Christian Movie | Explore the Bible | "Exploration of the 'Trinity'"
Christian Movie | Explore the Bible | "Exploration of the 'Trinity'"
He was a leader of a house church in China. For many years, he had been exploring the mystery of the "Triune God": What’s the relationship between the three Spirits, the Holy Father, the Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit? What’s the difference of them? The Bible says that there is only one Spirit. If there is only one Spirit, why is it said that there are three? If there are three Spirits, how can they be one? One day, the words expressed by God who reappeared finally unlocked the mystery of the “Triune God,” which had puzzled him many years and puzzled the religious world for two thousand years….
Monday, July 8, 2019
God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique (V) God's Holiness (II)" (Part Two)
God's Utterance "God Himself, the Unique (V) God's Holiness (II)" (Part Two)
Almighty God says, "You will not see God hold similar views on things that people have, and moreover you will not see Him use men’s viewpoints, their knowledge, their science or their philosophy or man’s imagination to handle things. Instead, everything God does and everything He reveals is connected to truth. That is, every word He has said and every action He has taken concerns the truth. This truth is not some baseless fantasy; this truth and these words are expressed by God due to God’s substance and His life. Because these words and the substance of everything God has done are truth, we can say that God’s substance is holy. In other words, everything God says and does brings vitality and light to people; it allows people to see positive things and the reality of those positive things and it points humanity toward the road of light so that they may walk the right path. These things are determined because of God’s substance and they are determined due to the substance of His holiness."
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Christian English Movie "Salvation" | What Is Being Saved? What Is True Salvation?
Christian English Movie "Salvation" | What Is Being Saved? What Is True Salvation?
What is salvation? Those who believe in the Lord Jesus think that if they sincerely pray to the Lord, confess their sins, and repent, their sins will be forgiven, and they will be granted salvation, and when the Lord comes, they will be directly raised into the kingdom of heaven. But is salvation really that simple?
The hero of the film, Xu Zhiqian, has believed in God for many years, passionately expends for God, and forsook everything to perform his duties. For this, he was arrested and tortured by the Chinese Communist Party. After he was released from prison, he continued to perform his duties, gained some practical experience, and his sermons and work resolved some practical problems for his brothers and sisters. Later, his wife was also arrested, but he didn’t complain, become negative, or fall apart…. All of this earned him compliments and praise from his brothers and sisters. Xu Zhiqian believes that he has the reality of the truth and that there is no problem entering the kingdom of heaven. But soon, an unexpected trial came to him—his wife dies under torture by the CCP police. Xu Zhiqian, distraught, has notions, misunderstandings, and complaints about God, as well as thoughts of rebellion against and betrayal of God…. Later, when he realizes he is betraying God, he begins to reflect, and wonders if people who, like himself, undergo trials and then complain, misunderstand God, and betray God are truly saved. Are they truly qualified to enter the kingdom of God?
Recommended:4 Principles on How to Be Closer to God
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Christian Movie "Sweetness in Adversity" The Lord Jesus Is My Strength and My Rock (English Dubbed)
Christian Movie "Sweetness in Adversity" The Lord Jesus Is My Strength and My Rock (English Dubbed)
Christian Han Lu was monitored and tracked by the CCP police officers, which led to her capture. The police officers have brutally tortured her, and they have also used rumors to try to brainwash her, used her family to try and coerce her, and other despicable methods to try to threaten her in an attempt to compel her to deny God and betray God. However, under the guidance of the word of God, Han Lu has made it through many interrogations under torture and has powerfully refuted the various rumors and fallacies of the CCP with truth. Within the bitter environment of the CCP's persecution, a beautiful and resounding testimony has been made …
Saturday, June 29, 2019
A Hymn of God's Word "All Men Live in God's Light" | The Church of Almighty God
All Men Live in God's Light
The joyous exaltation in men’s hearts (woo …) fills every place on the face of the earth (woo …), the air is brisk and fresh (woo …), dense fogs no longer blanket the ground (woo …), and the sun shines resplendent, the sun shines resplendent.
On this jubilant occasion, at this moment of exultation, God’s righteousness and His holiness (hoy), have gone abroad throughout the universe (woo …), and all mankind extols them without surcease, and all mankind extols them without surcease. (Ah … ha….) The cities of heaven are laughing with joy, and the kingdoms of earth are dancing with joy. Who at this moment is not rejoicing? And who at this moment is not weeping? (Yee yeah.) Earth in its primordial state belongs to heaven, and heaven is united with earth. (Hoy.) Man is the cord uniting heaven and earth (ha), and thanks to his sanctity, thanks to his renewal, heaven is no longer concealed from earth, and earth is no longer silent toward heaven. The faces of humanity are wreathed in smiles of gratification, wreathed in smiles of gratification, and secreted (secreted) in their hearts, is a sweetness that knows no bounds (sweetness that knows no bounds). Man does not quarrel with man, nor do men come to blows with one another. Are there any who, in God’s light, do not live peacefully with others? Are there any who, in His days, disgrace His name? (Yee ya.) Earth in its primordial state belongs to heaven, and heaven is united with earth. (Ha.) Man is the cord uniting heaven and earth (ha), and thanks to his sanctity, thanks to his renewal, heaven is no longer concealed from earth, and earth is no longer silent toward heaven. The faces of humanity are wreathed in smiles of gratification, wreathed in smiles of gratification.
The joyous exaltation in men’s hearts (woo …) fills every place on the face of the earth (woo …), the air is brisk and fresh (woo …), dense fogs no longer blanket the ground (woo …), and the sun shines resplendent, the sun shines resplendent. The joyous exaltation in men’s hearts fills every place on the face of the earth, the air is brisk and fresh, dense fogs no longer blanket the ground, and the sun shines resplendent, the sun shines resplendent. And the sun shines resplendent, the sun shines resplendent.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
Thursday, June 27, 2019
God Is My Power | Christian Movie "Seventeen? The Hell You Are!" | Based on a True Story
God Is My Power | Christian Movie "Seventeen? The Hell You Are!" | Based on a True Story
"Kid! Do you know that the Communist Party is atheist and against belief in God? In China, what God is there for you to believe in? Where is this God of yours?" "Do not assume that because you are young, we will be lenient with you! If you keep believing in God, you will end up dead!" With electric rods in hands, the Chinese Communist police rush this youngster who is covered with bruises.
Monday, June 24, 2019
Voice of God | Gospel Movie "Awakening" | God Awakens My Soul
Voice of God | Gospel Movie "Awakening" | God Awakens My Soul
Lu Xiu’en was a preacher of a house church in China. Believing the rumors and notions spread by the pastor, she insisted that man’s sins had been forgiven by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus, that man was saved by faith and didn’t need to receive any other salvation. As a result, she resisted and rejected Almighty God’s gospel in the last days many times…. However, an unexpected experience made her see the true face of the pastor, and thus she had some discernment of him and her heart began to awaken. Just at that time, Almighty God’s gospel in the last days came upon her. This broke her imaginations and notions about God’s work and gave her a brand new knowledge of salvation and full salvation. And then she accepted Almighty God’s gospel in the last days without hesitation. However, the pastor didn’t stop disturbing her, and this caused her great distress. Under the watering of Almighty God’s word, she saw clearly the ugly face of the pastor and his deceptive tricks. She awakened resolutely….
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Hearing God's Voice | Gospel Movie "A Late Answer" | The Salvation of God in the Last Days
Tang Jie served the Lord zealously for nearly forty years and expected the return of the Lord Jesus eagerly all the time. Having given up her family and her career, she established many house meeting places. As the work of the Holy Spirit shifted, the church became desolate gradually. She tried every possible way to revive it, but in vain. During this process, God’s gospel of the last days came upon her church. To “defend the Lord’s way,” she wrote a pamphlet to fabricate rumors against, slander, and attack Almighty God’s work of the last days, and sealed her church to hinder the believers from listening to the messages. However, increasingly more believers returned to Almighty God. At the end of her tether, Tang Jie fell into misery, confusion, and helplessness….
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Almighty God's Word "Does the Trinity Exist?" | The Church of Almighty God
Almighty God's Word "Does the Trinity Exist?" | The Church of Almighty God
Almighty God says, "The Spirit within Jesus, the Spirit in heaven, and the Spirit of Jehovah are all one. It can be called the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, the sevenfold intensified Spirit, and the all-inclusive Spirit. The Spirit of God alone can carry out much work. He is able to create the world and destroy it by flooding the earth; He can redeem all mankind, and moreover, conquer and destroy all mankind. This work is all carried out by God Himself and cannot have been done by any other of the persons of God in His stead. His Spirit can be called by the name of Jehovah and Jesus, as well as the Almighty. He is the Lord, and Christ. He can also become the Son of man. He is in the heavens and also on the earth; He is on high above the universes and among the multitude. He is the only Master of the heavens and earth!"
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Warnings of the Last Days From God | Christian Short Film "The Days of Noah Have Come"
Warnings of the Last Days From God | Christian Short Film "The Days of Noah Have Come"
Let's look back on mankind during the age of Noah. Man was engaged in all kinds of evil activities paying no thought to repentance. Nobody listened to the word of God. Their rigidity and evil aroused God's anger and in the end, they were swallowed up by the disaster of the great flood. Only Noah and his family of eight listened to God's word and were able to survive. Now, the last days have already arrived. Mankind's corruption is getting deeper and deeper. Everyone reveres evil. The entire religious world follows the tide of the world. They do not love the truth one bit. The days of Noah have already arrived! In order to save mankind, God has returned once more to do the judgment work of the last days amongst mankind. This is the last time that God saves man! What should mankind choose?
This is a true story. Since the citizens of Qingping County in the province of Sichuan have repeatedly refused to accept Almighty God's kingdom gospel, they have met with two instances of disaster. During the Great Sichuan Earthquake, many brothers and sisters who believed in Almighty God were miraculously protected by God and survived. These facts have been witnessed: those that accept and obey God and those that deny and resist God. These two kinds of people have two very different endings!
Recommended:Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | "The Heart's Voice of a Created Being" Christian Music Video
Monday, June 10, 2019
2019 Christian Skit | "Look! That's a Modern Day Pharisee!"
2019 Christian Skit | "Look! That's a Modern Day Pharisee!" Two thousand years ago, the incarnate Lord Jesus appeared and worked, preached the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, expressed the truth, and gave people the way of repentance. In these , many people heard God's voice and followed Him. The Pharisees stubbornly kept to their own ideas, denied and condemned the incarnate Lord Jesus, and even crucified the Lord. The Lord Jesus prophesied that He will come again in the last days. So, who plays the role of the modern Pharisee? Watch the skit Look! That's a Modern-Day Pharisee!.
Saturday, June 8, 2019
2019 Gospel Movie | "Faith in God 2 – After the Church Falls" | The True Story of Chinese Christians
2019 Gospel Movie | "Faith in God 2 – After the Church Falls" | The True Story of Chinese Christians Yu Congguang is an evangelist who makes a dangerous escape from a CCP mass arrest. Afterward, he makes his way to the home of Three- Self Patriotic Movement Christian Chen Song'en. Chen Song'en's Three-Self Patriotic Movement church is demolished by the CCP, and some in the church, after listening to the teachings of their pastors and elders, pray for the CCP regime, believing that by doing so, they are keeping the words of the Lord Jesus, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:44). However, many believers are confused, because despite the fact that they prayed for blessings for the CCP for so many years, the CCP not only failed to repent, but even demolished their church. They wonder: Does praying for the CCP actually accord with God's will? The congregation argues about the question but can't reach a conclusion. Later, through reading God's words and the fellowship of Yu Congguang and his associate, Chen Song'en and the others learn the true meaning of the Lord Jesus' teaching to "love your enemies." They also gain discernment of the CCP's satanic essence, which is to resist God and loathe the truth, and clearly see the dangerous consequences of following the pastors and elders down the Three-Self path and relying on the protection of a satanic ruling power …
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Spiritual Warfare: A Septuagenarian Christian’s Joys and Sorrows Dealing With Her Family’s Resistance
By Jinbu, South Korea A Septuagenarian Welcomes the Lord’s Return I turned 74 this year. I used to be a member of the Three-Self Chu...

Answer: Many believers of the Lord feel that following the example of Paul by expending and laboring for the Lord is the same as followi...
Relevant Words of God : Mankind’s existence is predicated upon the incarnation of soul in turn. In other words, each person gains a h...
Do you know the origin of God 's name? Why did God 's name change from Jehovah to Jesus? What does the "new name" in ...
Answer: The Bible reads: “ But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only ” (Mat 24:36). Some br...
The Awakening of a Deceived Spirit (Part 1) (Spiritual War Category) Yuan Zhi, Brazil Summoned by the Lord’s Grace Tasting the L...
The answer from God ’s word: Since Jesus departed, the disciples who followed Him, and all of the saints who were saved thanks to His n...
By Jinbu, South Korea A Septuagenarian Welcomes the Lord’s Return I turned 74 this year. I used to be a member of the Three-Self Chu...
Almighty God says, "What man expresses is what he sees, experiences and can imagine. Even if it is doctrines or notions, these are...
Answer: We should hope for the Lord’s return based on the prophecies that He Himself spoke. That is the most standard way of waiting for ...
The Church of Almighty God "The Main Purpose of God's Work in the Flesh" (Music Video) 1. God comes into flesh for ...