Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Best Christian Song | How Great Is the Love | "The Incarnate God Silently Works to Save Man"

God became flesh, stayed hidden among man
to do the new work, save us from corruption. 
He reserves explanation. 
By the plans that He has made, He does His work step by step.
His words are increasing day by day,
consoling, reminding, reproving, and warning.
From gentle and kind to fierce and majestic,
His words are instilling compassion and fear.
All that He says reveals our deepest secrets.
His words can pierce us and we feel ashamed. 
There’s endless supply of His living water.
And thanks to Him, we live with God face to face.
God became flesh, stayed hidden among man
to do the new work, save us from corruption. 
He reserves explanation. 
By the plans that He has made, He does His work step by step.

His words have the power of life, 
and show the way to walk, let us know what the truth is.
Drawn by His word, we heed the tone 
and the heart’s voice of this person unremarkable.
He makes every effort and sheds His heart’s blood.
It is for us He sighs and weeps in pain,
endures the shame for our fate and salvation.
His heart bleeds and cries for our rebelliousness.
None can attain such being and possessions.
No one can match His tolerance.
No creation could ever have the love and patience He has.
God became flesh, stayed hidden among man
to do the new work, save us from corruption. 
He reserves explanation. 
By the plans that He has made, He does His work, He does His work. 
Yes, He does His work step by step.
from The Word Appears in the Flesh

The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the appearance and work of Almighty God—the returned Lord Jesus—Christ of the last days, and also under His righteous judgment and chastisement.

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