Saturday, March 9, 2019

125-B-3 Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “‘The Sixth Utterance’ of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe”

In matters within the spirit, you should be delicately sensitive”—why must one be delicately sensitive? This is like how you open your eyes to see something clearly. Will it work not to be delicately sensitive? If you are crude and sloppy and not earnest, you will not be able to see it clearly, and there will be no way to understand the truth. To give an example, God says that God’s wisdom is exercised based on Satan’s plots. Is this a matter within the spirit or an external one? It is a matter within the spirit. Then what matter has any relation to these words? We must pay careful attention to the word of God, so let us pay attention to it.
     Let us take these words as an example. How do you know these words, and can you bring forth examples? This is a matter within the spiritual world, and if you are delicately sensitive to it and seek the truth, you will understand what the meaning of these words is, and what God is saying. If you can produce many examples, then you can confirm in your heart that the phrase “God’s wisdom is exercised based on Satan’s plots” is the truth, and is a fact, and that God acts precisely in this way. In experiencing this, once you are delicately sensitive and earnest, you will then come to know and understand these words. When you truly know and understand these words, is this not understanding this aspect of the truth? When you bear witness to the work of God, there is this truth—that God’s wisdom is exercised based on Satan’s plots—and when you understand this truth, you can bear witness to it. How will you bear witness? How does God make use of the service of the great red dragon? How is the fact that God’s wisdom is exercised on Satan’s plots fulfilled in the great red dragon? Talk about this with examples. Some people say, “God is so almighty, so why does He not annihilate the great red dragon in an instant? If God brought about an earthquake of higher than a magnitude of nine in China, all the political power of the great red dragon would be wiped out. How does God not do this?” People who know God say, “Do you not know that God has these words?” “What words?” “My wisdom is exercised based on Satan’s plots.” “What are the plots of Satan?” Satan says, “I’ll catch all the chosen people of Yours in one fell swoop, and I’ll see how You will establish the kingdom on earth!” God says, “Fine, I will perfect a group of overcomers through your persecution and oppression of My chosen people and in the end when this group of overcomers appears, the kingdom of Christ will appear.” This is like Satan’s accusations against Job, with the result that Job was faced with this temptation. God used Satan’s temptation to try Job, and Job had a beautifully resounding bearing of witness. Afterward, Satan retreated in humiliation, and through this matter God came to defeat Satan. What do all of these facts illustrate? “My wisdom is exercised based on Satan’s plots.” These words are a matter within the spirit, and can you see it from the outside? You cannot. When those fiends of Satan have seen these words, do they understand what they mean? They shake their heads back and forth like pellet drums, and they don’t understand. “What are these words? I do not understand them.” They do not see them clearly. People who believe in God understand these words as soon as they see them, those who understand the spirit understand a little once they see them, and they become clearer when these words are communicated, and they will become perfectly clear after some tens of years of experience. Those who do not understand the spirit cannot see them clearly, and these are all matters within the spirit.
There are some people who say, “I do not know which are matters within the spirit and which are external matters.” In the next phrase God says, “You should aim for the state in which you see My Spirit and My fleshly self, My words and My fleshly self, as one indivisible whole.” Is this not a matter within the spirit? Now it appears that all matters which involve the truth, and everything that counts as the truth—all these are matters within the spirit. Having principles in doing work, is this not a matter within the spirit? It is. Why is it a matter within the spirit? Putting the truth into practice is a matter within the heart; it is not something that emerges after just being called out aloud, nor is it something that comes out of working hard with your hands. That is taking hold of principles within your heart, knowing how to implement them within your heart, knowing what to do, and knowing what kind of heart to have. Afterward the heart will control the hands and control the mind, and once you act in this way, people cannot understand it when they look only at the surface. But you carry out the truth, and God looks upon it, and sees that you have principles in doing your work. God praises this, and all these things are matters within the spirit. In saying the same things, there are some people who are lying, some who are speaking the truth and genuine words—is this not a matter within the spirit? Some matters are within the heart, and matters within the heart also involve the spiritual world. If in your heart you act perfunctorily, or if in your heart you resist God, or if you curse God in your heart, if your heart is resentful of God, if there is contrariness in your heart, if your heart has rebellion in it, then even when you are not saying this out loud, it is still a matter of the spiritual world, and is also a matter within the spirit. God looks into the bottom of people’s hearts, and He knows all. There are some people who believe in God who suddenly die, and everyone says, “The way this person believed was very good, and he did not speak anything that showed resistance against God or judgment of God, or any words of condemning God’s work. He believed very well, so how did he die?” Is this not a matter within the spirit? No one can see through this from the outside, but the person who died knows in their heart: “I have resisted God.” They did not do this externally, so nobody knew it, but their outcome has been revealed for what they are, and God has established their outcome; these are all matters within the spirit. There are some antichrists who do many and varied acts of evil which are seen and distinguished by many people who understand the truth, who determine them to be evil people and antichrists and so expel them. Is this a matter within the spirit or not? It has been revealed on the surface, and is a matter within the spirit. Some people say, “When it is revealed on the surface, how is it still a matter within the spirit?” They have not distinguished them. For people who have not distinguished, it is a matter within the spirit, but as for those who have distinguished them, they understand the truth, they are able to see it. But the unbelievers still see them as good, and say, “How can you expel such good people?” This is a matter within the spirit. These people are antichrists, and they are people that have enmity for the truth. If a label were put on their brains, that would not be a matter within the spirit; since no label is put on them, common people and people who do not understand the spirit cannot discern them. It is just like there are some people whom I am able to see into as soon as I meet them, and I say, “This is not a good person, this person is a devil!” There are many chosen people of God who come into contact with them, and say, “This person is not bad!” “Not bad?” I say, “You are blind, and you have not seen into them. I have seen into them, and they are not good people!” Is this not a matter within the spirit? Whether they appear good or bad on the outside, you are able to see this, and that is a matter of the flesh, whereas ordinary people are unable to see into matters within the spirit.
As for knowing Christ, some people are able to separate the words of Christ from His person, and consider that the words are spoken by the Spirit, and that they all come out of the Spirit, and are not spoken by the person, and are spoken by means of the Spirit controlling the person. So they believe that this person is still a common man, and only the Spirit that is speaking is the Spirit of God. What problem does this separation reveal? If a person does not understand the spirit, then he separates the word and the Spirit from the person. Some people also say, “I submit to the word of Christ, I do not submit to the person of Christ.” What is the problem in this? Do people like this understand the spirit? Some say they don’t. Why is it said that they don’t understand the spirit? Is there a basis for this? Because the Spirit realized in the flesh and man obtaining the revelation of the Holy Spirit are two separate issues. God’s incarnation is the Spirit of God truly realized in the flesh, and apart from a life of humanity, He is able to see through matters of the spiritual world, not always needing the Holy Spirit for the revelation. This is God’s incarnation. The Holy Spirit giving revelation to people indicates people who are used by God or who have the work of the Holy Spirit, and people that have the work of the Holy Spirit have revelation from the Holy Spirit when it is necessary. When it is not necessary they are still subject to human error. Sometimes the Holy Spirit makes revelation to them, and sometimes He does not. God incarnate is not like this—He directly expresses the truth, no matter in what time or place, so it is called God realized in the flesh. People who have just accepted the work of God cannot see through this matter; they say, “What this person says cannot be said by ordinary people but truly has come out of the Holy Spirit.” These words, “coming out of the Holy Spirit,” are easy to say, but that which comes out of the Holy Spirit is differentiated into two kinds. One kind is revelation of the Holy Spirit, which comes out of the Holy Spirit. Another kind is the true realization of the Spirit of God, the incarnation, which also comes out of the Holy Spirit. So which kind of emergence out of the Holy Spirit is the incarnation, and which kind is occasional revelation? People cannot differentiate these, and the result is that they divide God’s incarnation into the word and the person, with the person and the word being two different things. This kind of division brings about a consequence, which is that a person cannot submit to Christ, he cannot worship Christ, and in his heart he does not revere Christ. Once you separate the word of Christ and the person, that is equal to still believing in a vague God up in heaven, and is not believing in the real God on earth. If a person divides Christ into two parts—one part belonging to the Spirit and one part belonging to the person—in making this division, is he certain of Christ being the incarnation? He divides Christ into two parts: Christ occasionally has the work of God, and at other times does not have the work of God, and he considers Christ to be a common person. In this way, can such a person truly submit to Christ? Can he honor Christ as great? Can he worship Christ? If he cannot, the nature of this problem is very severe. In what respect is it severe? Do you, after all, believe in the practical God on earth? Do you believe in Christ or believe in a vague God up in heaven? Once this problem emerges, your ending will be very troublesome. If you do not believe in the practical God on earth, but believe in a vague God up in heaven, that will subject you to being dealt with in the same way as religious people—to sink into destruction. God will not acknowledge your faith, and your faith will not be up to the standard. Is this not troublesome?
God says, “You should aim for the state in which you see My Spirit and My fleshly self, My words and My fleshly self, as one indivisible whole, and make it so that all of humanity will be able to satisfy Me in My presence.” These words “and make it so that all of humanity will be able to satisfy Me in My presence” mean to make everyone who believes in Christ be able to reach a certain condition: seeing the Spirit of God, the word of God, and the person as one indivisible whole. What is the conclusion when you see Them as one indivisible whole? Treat Christ as God, and do not treat Him as a man. If you truly treat Him as a man, your faith is not up to the standard, and you are not a person who believes in the practical God on earth, but are a person who believes in the vague God up in heaven. Some people say, “It’s true that I believe in the vague God up in heaven, but I also believe in the word of God and I acknowledge that the origin of the word of God is from God!” Can people with such a faith receive salvation? Some say they cannot. Why? Because what they believe in is not the practical God incarnate. If you do not believe in the practical God incarnate, then the following words of condemnation will appear: “You are a person who denies Christ and denies the appearance of God, who denies the incarnate God.” Who is able to take these accusations upon himself! Is this not the greatest trouble? No one can take these accusations upon himself. Why is the religious community destroyed? Is it not just because of denying the practical God incarnate? If you only believe in the Spirit of God but do not believe in Christ, you are in trouble. If you take God’s Spirit and the word together with the person—the fleshly body of Christ—and see Them as one indivisible whole, then this is acknowledging the practical God. You say, “This is the God that I want to believe in, this is the God that I believe in, this is Whom I hope to see, Who in the past was in heaven and has now again come to earth to become a practical man—the practical God.” If what you believe in is the practical God, and the practical God is your God in your heart and is your Lord and your everything, then your faith is up to the standard. Understand this! If you understand this, then you will understand the words, “In matters within the spirit, you should be delicately sensitive; to My words, you should be carefully attentive. You should aim for the state in which you see My Spirit and My fleshly self, My words and My fleshly self, as one indivisible whole, and make it so that all of humanity will be able to satisfy Me in My presence.” Some people ask the meaning of the phrase, “and make it so that all of humanity will be able to satisfy Me in My presence.” Does it satisfy God to see the Spirit of God together with the person, and the word of God together with the person, as one indivisible whole? What does this “as one indivisible whole” mean? It relates to whether you acknowledge or not the practical God when He is standing right before you. If you acknowledge Him, then God will acknowledge you, but if you do not acknowledge Him then God will not acknowledge you. These words are concealed inside, and are not spoken. As for the matters within the spirit, if you are not delicately sensitive to them, can you distinguish the meaning of this? Can you see to this level? If you are not delicately sensitive to the matters within the spirit, and if you only pay attention to the surface meaning of God’s words, and pass them by after explaining them a little, this will allow so much meaning and so many crucial problems to slip away. This is very dreadful! Is that considered understanding and knowing the word of God? That is not what is called being delicately sensitive—it is called leaving something out by mistake, and if you are not delicately sensitive to the matters of the spirit then you have left something out! If you allow the truth to go missing, neglect the intention of God, and even when your eyes are open you cannot see it, this means that you do not understand the matters within the spirit! Can this allow major problems to slip away? There are people who say, “You must see the Spirit together with the person, and the word together with the person, as one indivisible whole. They are one!” Why are They one? “Because the Spirit is truly realized in the flesh, and everything that the flesh does is controlled by the Spirit, so They are one.” Your answer here is right, and you have understood quite well, but the crucial thing here is: Do you know what the result is of the phrase “They are one”? Is that a theoretical answer? It is not a theoretical answer; you must have this in your heart, you must be certain that, “This incarnation of God is my Lord, is my God, is the God of heaven come down and become man. He is the Lord I want to believe in, the God I want to believe in, so to everything God says I must submit. I must not only revere Him, but also must obey Him, and I also want to worship Him.” Have you taken your faith in God to this point? Can you truly worship Christ? This is much like Christ coming right up to you among a group of people. How do you treat Him? Do you dare to acknowledge Him? Can you bow down prostrate? If you say, “I cannot lie prostrate, it will make people look poorly upon me,” then that proves that in your heart you do not acknowledge He is your God and that you do not have a heart of reverence! Acknowledging that “this Christ is my Lord and my God” before those who hold power and office—would you dare to speak this way? Do you have this courage and valor inside you? If you are truly to be able to accomplish this much it will illustrate that you truly take God’s Spirit together with His person, and God’s word together with His person, and see Them as one indivisible whole. It is truly treating Them as the practical God in obedience and worship. Can ordinary people understand and see this meaning? As for the matters within the spirit, if you are not delicately sensitive to them, will you be able to see to this degree? If you merely see the surface meaning of the words, this will not do. It falls far short of the truth, and will not resolve any problems.

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