Monday, April 15, 2019

135-B-8 Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “It Is Very Important to Establish a Normal Relationship With God” (IV)

Listening to this, some people might say, “Today I finally understand. Apparently, establishing a normal relationship with God is all too practical and meaningful! I will do it. I am resolved to do it! I will practice every day until I have a normal relationship with God.” If you practice like this every day, pray to God every day and live before Him, you will obtain the work of the Holy Spirit and be made perfect. If the Holy Spirit perfects you to a point where you can communicate the truth, then the Holy Spirit will start to use you. If the Holy Spirit uses you, how great an honor is that for a creation?! Even if you could be the president, you wouldn’t do it. Where is the honor of the president? There’s no honor at all. Unbelievers may consider them honorable, but their honor disappears in the blink of an eye. They themselves are destroyed just in the blink of an eye. It’s a flash in the pan; it’s meaningless. If you obtain the Creator’s praise, the one and only true God’s praise, no one will be able to take that blessing away. No one will be able to change it! Therefore, establishing a normal relationship with God is all too significant and important! It’s beyond description! As soon as people have a normal relationship with God, how does He refer to them? God says, “I am your God. You are My people.” “I am your God. You are My people.” What does this sentence mean? Can Satan accuse you of anything after that? Can it take you from God’s hands? No, it can’t. God has obtained you, and you have obtained God. As soon as you establish a normal relationship with God, you will really belong to God.
     Do you understand? Many people used to say, “How much do we have to believe before we can say that we have succeeded in believing in Him? When can we say we have obtained God?” At that point, no one could say for sure. They just said vague things. Now then, how will we answer this question today? How will we talk about it more realistically, objectively and practically? As soon as we establish a normal relationship with God, we belong to God and God becomes our God. He will be with us every day. God is the source of life for all things. Therefore, in the future, if we have a normal relationship with God, our life is linked to the source of all life. In that case, can we obtain life? You can say that obtaining life will not be a problem. God’s provisions and abundance will be bestowed upon us, and our cups shall run over. Will that wish have been realized? What person who believes in God does not want to obtain His blessings? What person does not want to inherit God’s promises? Everyone does. However, how much do you have to believe in God and what point do you have to reach to obtain these promises? If you establish a normal relationship with God, He will give His abundance and provisions to you. Your cup will be overflowing; you will have abundant blessings and everlasting enjoyment. In the Bible, it says that if you truly follow God and sacrifice for God, what will God promise you? You will receive a hundred times as much in this world and eternal life in the age to come.
If you establish a normal relationship with God, you will understand the truth quickly, and your life will progress quickly. If you have the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment and illumination every day, have God’s guidance and the Holy Spirit’s work every day, how could your life not progress quickly? The more you experience, the quicker you’ll progress. If you can’t see through someone, the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment and illumination will allow you to see through them and will allow you to see that their satanic disposition is written on their mouth and their face. You’ll know they’re not good people. It will be that simple. Therefore, as soon as the Holy Spirit does His work, people will be made perfect very quickly! When people educate people, and people try to change people, troubles pile up, but as soon as God does His work, everything is easy. That is the wondrousness of believing in God, God’s wonderful deed. Therefore, after you establish a normal relationship with God and give your heart to God, you’re unable to not love Him. If you do not love God you will hate yourself and curse yourself. If you do not love God and rebel against Him, you will want to throw your heart on the floor and stomp on it. If you do not love God you will regret it and slap yourself in the face. After you give your heart to God, will your heart change quickly? What was your heart like before? It was a hard heart. And now? Your heart has changed. When your heart changes, you start to get closer to God, bend toward Him and love Him with all your heart. You do everything according to the truth. Isn’t this quite a change? Is this not a change in life disposition? Do you understand now? Therefore, when you establish a normal relationship with God, you will have genuine communion with God. When you truly commune with God, you’ll be able to use your spirit to listen to the words of God, use your heart to feel God’s work and use your heart to experience God’s words. This way, your heart will become more and more occupied by God’s words, the truth, and God. If your heart belongs to God, you will completely change and your life disposition will completely change. If your mouth changes but your heart doesn’t change, that’s useless. You see a lot of people pray to God with their mouths. They say a lot of stuff, all from the Bible, but then what happens? God doesn’t even give them the time of day. They kneel for a long time and talk up a storm, but then when they get up again, brush the dust off their pants and return home, they don’t have smiles on their faces. What are they doing? They are performing a religious ceremony and tricking God. They will be disappointed, as they gain nothing. Isn’t this so? God does not bless religious prayers. That’s just cheating God! Is this not a bald-faced lie? They’re just shamelessly spouting off nonsense, reciting Bible verses, indiscriminately touting God and giving Him praise and speaking a bunch of empty phrases. They ask God to bless them, then recite even more Bible verses written by Paul. What is that? That’s tricking God, trifling with God! Does God listen? God hates people like that. You trick God and lie to God, and you think He doesn’t know? If you lie to people and trick them, everyone will hate you. No one will pay attention to you! Do you really think people are that blind? You think they can’t tell whether you’re lying or not? All mortals can see through it, yet God cannot? God searches humans’ hearts and understands their thoughts. Therefore, God says religious people are all hypocrites. They all use their lips to grow close to God while their hearts are still far away from Him. They are all people who do not love the truth. Therefore, God chose to become flesh and reveal all of humanity. In the end, some people accept God incarnate because of the truth He expresses. Those people will be saved and made perfect. Those who condemn and resist Christ because of the truth He expresses must be destroyed by God. Those who do not love the truth and want to trick God, trifle with God and resist God are on a path to their own destruction. Today, our fellowship ends here. Are there any more questions?
Question & Answer
Question 1: God says, “If you say that your spirit has been touched, but you always want to have fellowship with people who appeal to you, with whoever you think highly of, and if there is another seeker who does not appeal to you, who you hold a bias against and will not engage with, this is more proof that you are an emotional person and you do not have a normal relationship with God at all. You are attempting to deceive God and cover up your own ugliness. Even if you can share some understanding but you carry wrongness in your heart, everything you do is good only by human standards. God will not praise you—you are acting according to the flesh, not according to God’s burden.” I think these words are really applicable to me, but I don’t truly understand them that deeply. Brother, I want to ask you to fellowship about them for a bit.
Answer: Establishing a normal relationship with God, this isn’t just something you say. It means you must fulfill all of God’s requirements for humankind. For example, you want to establish a normal relationship with God, but you refuse to be an honest person as God’s words tell you to be. If you don’t do it at all and lie and cheat all day, then are you not lying and cheating when you commune with God? Can you build a normal relationship that way? No, you can’t. If you want to establish a normal relationship with God, you must practice all of the truth that you understand; you must enter this truth. You must consciously practice the truth that you understand to the fullest extent possible. If you do that, you will have a normal relationship with God. God sees that “This person acts on their words, accepts the truth, and can practice the truth; they put the truth into practice and sacrifice for God and do it to the best of their abilities. There are certain things that they are unable to do because of their small stature.” God is merciful in the case of these extenuating circumstances. If you practice the truth this way and live before God, then you will have a normal relationship with Him. Look, it says here, “If you say that your spirit has been touched.” It’s like if you say you have the work of the Holy Spirit, but you “always want to have fellowship with people who appeal to you” but do not want to communicate with people you look down upon. What is the problem here? Is that not acting on emotion? Is that not acting on your own preferences? Then do you have a normal relationship with people? If you don’t have a normal relationship with other people, and you can’t do as God requires, in that case, do you have a normal relationship with God? Can God be pleased with you? Therefore, when we first come before God, we must reflect on our own corruption most of the time. When you are faced with this matter, do not speak nonsense like, “My spirit has been moved; I have the work of the Holy Spirit. I live every day in God’s presence.” This is exaggerated and unrealistic. Why is this unrealistic? When you communicate the truth, you select those after your own heart, and you do not communicate with those who you look down upon. This proves that you do not have a normal relationship with other people; you do not have normal human relationships. In that case, do you also lack in humanity? Do you have any corruption? God demands that brothers and sisters all love one another. Have you honored that demand? You are not a correct person. You are not a person who is able to genuinely love people and love God; you do not obey the truth or practice the truth. If you really reveal such corruption, you should not say those words. You should say, “I have been examining myself recently, and I’ve discovered that my relationships with other people are not normal. I always want to communicate with people that I can look up to. I am always looking to communicate with those after my own heart. This reveals my corruption.” If you say that, God will listen and say, “Wow! You really can reflect on yourself. This person really is focusing on practicing the truth. He has not heard My words in vain. He really did identify the problem.” If someone like this prays to God again, will God listen? God will definitely be pleased and say, “This person has repented and awakened, at least a bit. See, he has listened to My truth and is able to practice it. He can reflect upon himself. He has a repentant heart. Good, My Spirit will work on him.” In this way, you will have a normal relationship with God. If, no matter how the truth is communicated, you don’t apply it to yourself; if you know that when it comes to many different things, you live in emotions and physical relationships but you don’t reflect upon yourself, then when you pray in front of God, does the Holy Spirit do His work? No, He doesn’t. Why not? Because you cannot live normally in God’s words or in front of God. What is it that makes you unable to receive the Holy Spirit’s work? Your corrupt disposition and your preferences, right? Many people, whenever faced with something, do not practice the truth at all, not to mention being mindful of God’s will. When they come before God, they just spout off nonsense. The result is that God does not work on them. They say, “Lately, no matter how I pray, the Holy Spirit doesn’t work on me. Why is that?” They ask another person what’s going on, and that person says, “You must reflect on your recent deeds. Has there been any obvious expression of your corruption that you haven’t brought before God in your prayers? You haven’t reflected on yourself in front of God. You haven’t even resolved your own obvious corruption. Yet you’re still praying to God about other stuff. Do you really think He will listen? God doesn’t listen to that!” Isn’t that the case? Then, can we solve this problem by communicating this way?
At this point we will conclude our meeting for today. Goodbye!
Recommended :God Salvation Can Only Come Through Belief in Almighty God. 

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