Friday, October 11, 2019

Why doesn’t God save those who have the work of evil spirits in them or those who are possessed by demons?

Spiritual Warfare,Christian Reflections,When Will Jesus Return

Relevant Words of God:
Those whom evil spirits previously possessed for a time (since birth) will all be revealed now. I will kick you out! Do you still remember what I have said? I—the holy and unblemished God—do not reside in a foul and filthy temple. Those who were possessed by evil spirits know for themselves, and I need not clarify. I have not predestined you! You are old Satan, yet you want to infiltrate My kingdom! Absolutely not!
from “Chapter 81” of Utterances of Christ in the Beginning in The Word Appears in the Flesh
I have long seen clearly the various deeds of evil spirits. And people used by evil spirits (those with wrong intentions, those who lust after flesh or wealth, those who exalt themselves, those who disrupt the church, etc.) have also each been seen through by Me. Do not assume that everything will be alright once the evil spirits have been cast out. Let Me tell you! From now on, I shall dispose of these people one by one, never to use them! That is to say, any person corrupted by evil spirits shall not be used by Me, and will be kicked out! Do not think I do not have feelings! Know this! I am the holy God, and I will not reside in a filthy temple! I only use honest and wise people who are completely loyal to Me and can be considerate of My burden. This is because such people were predestined by Me. Absolutely no evil spirits are working on them at all. Let Me make one thing clear: From now on, all those without the work of the Holy Spirit have the work of evil spirits. Let Me reiterate: I do not want a single person whom evil spirits work on. They shall all be cast down into Hades along with their flesh!
from “Chapter 76” of Utterances of Christ in the Beginning in The Word Appears in the Flesh
People often mention hell and Hades. But what do these two words refer to, and what is the difference between them? Do they really refer to some cold, dark corner? The human mind is always interrupting My management, thinking that their own random ponderings are pretty good. But they are all their own imaginings. Hades and hell both refer to a temple of filth that has previously been lived in by Satan or by evil spirits. That is to say, whosoever has been occupied before by Satan or by evil spirits, it is them who are Hades and them who are hell—there is no mistake! This is why I have stressed repeatedly in the past that I do not live in a temple of filth. Can I (God Himself) live in Hades, or in hell? Wouldn’t that be unreasonable nonsense? I have said this several times but you still don’t understand what I mean. Compared to hell, Hades is corrupted more severely by Satan. Those who are for Hades are the most serious cases, and I have simply not predestined these people; those who are for hell are those whom I have predestined, but have then been eliminated. Said simply, I have not chosen even one of these people.
from “Chapter 90” of Utterances of Christ in the Beginning in The Word Appears in the Flesh
Sermon and Fellowship Excerpts for Reference:
Those possessed by devils live out their devilish nature, and this devilish nature comes from the evil spirits that reside within them. The nature of the evil spirits becomes the inner nature of the person possessed by devils. The particular nature of a person depends on the particular spirit within the person, and the character of the nature of the person determines the character of their corrupt dispositions—this is absolutely true. Those predestined and selected by God are all people with human spirits. Those without human spirits are those within whom all kinds of evil spirits dwell. Therefore, these people are those who belong to foul devils and evil spirits, and are not the objects of God’s salvation. The objects of God’s salvation are those who have human spirits. Although these people have been corrupted by Satan, and have engendered a God-resisting nature, they are entirely able to be purified and saved. This is because they have within them the human spirit, with a good side to their natural human qualities and their essence. Those without a human spirit are beasts or devils, monsters in human dress, and so God does not save them; this is because they do not belong to mankind, and the mankind God speaks of does not include them.
from “Results That Can Be Achieved Through a Genuine Understanding of the Truth” in Sermons and Fellowship From the Man Used by God (Selections)

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