Showing posts with label God's True Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's True Love. Show all posts

Monday, February 4, 2019

Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven Now That Our Sins Have Been Forgiven

He Jun, Sichuan
Sunday August 5th, 2018. Cloudy.

After the meeting today, a brother came seeking me, his face filled with worry. He said that God requires people to be sanctified, but that he often involuntarily commits sin, and if he always lives like this in sin, then will he be able to enter into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord comes? I told him that the Lord Jesus was crucified and that He took upon Himself all our sins, paying the price with His life. I said that our sins had been forgiven because of our faith in the Lord Jesus, and that the Lord no longer saw us as sinners, and that as long as we could give up everything and expend ourselves, work hard for the Lord, and endure till the very end, then we would be raptured up into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord returned. After the brother heard me say this, he looked as though he hadn’t gotten the answer he’d wanted, and he left looking somewhat disappointed. As I watched him walk away, I felt some very complex emotions. To tell the truth, didn’t I have the same worries as this brother did? Thinking of how I had believed in the Lord for many years but had often been bound by sin, and had been living in a condition whereby I sinned in the daytime and confessed in the evening, I didn’t wish to keep living that way either. But I really wasn’t capable of overcoming sin, and so I often prayed to the Lord and strengthened my reading of the scriptures. And yet I never resolved the problem of my sins. The Lord is holy, so would He commend someone like me, so filled with sin?

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Let Go of Ideal, and Obey God’s Sovereignty and Arrangements

By Zhang Mengke
We each harbor our own ideals: Some want to be scientists; some want to be doctors; some want to be singers; some want to be stars and celebrities, and so on. With a passion, everyone has his lofty aspirations. Ideals seem to become fulcrum in our lives. We, with ideals, labor and pay the price. However, after experiencing vicissitudes, we find that these ideals are fine, but the truth hurts. For the majority of us who struggle for ideals, ideals are only wonderful dreams that we can never achieve.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

A Narrated Reenactment of a Real-Life Story | "God's True Love" (English Dubbed)

A Narrated Reenactment of a Real-Life Story | "God's True Love"

In order to make a place of her own on this earth, the protagonist was obliged to follow the trends of this world, rushing about and working hard for the sake of fame and status. Her life was particularly empty and painful. After she believed in Almighty God, she found in the words of Almighty God the meaning of human life and, filled with joy, she followed God and fulfilled her duties.

Spiritual Warfare: A Septuagenarian Christian’s Joys and Sorrows Dealing With Her Family’s Resistance

By Jinbu, South Korea A Septuagenarian Welcomes the Lord’s Return I turned 74 this year. I used to be a member of the Three-Self Chu...