Showing posts with label God's word,. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's word,. Show all posts

Friday, December 20, 2019

Fleeing From the “Tiger’s Den” (Part 2)

Spiritual Warfare Testimonies
I never expected that after just two days of peace, I would encounter Satan’s disturbance and coercion once again. One night, my mother, a few of my uncles and aunties as well as my third grandaunt came over in order to obstruct me from believing in Almighty God. When I saw this situation, I became extremely angry. I thought, “What have I done? I just believe in true God; is this a mistake? Why are they going on and on about this?” At this time, my third grandaunt peculiarly said, “Nier, let’s go! Let’s go home to see your grandma.” When I heard my third grandaunt say this, I was surprised, “They are here to take me to my mother’s place. They want to lock me up with my grandma, who is clinically insane! How can they be my relatives? How can they be so heartless!” At this moment, my mother grabbed a rope and rushed toward me. She kneeled on the floor and tied my feet together. I became very anxious. I pushed at her hands at the same time as I yelled, “What are you doing? Why do you tie me up?” Upon seeing this, two of my uncles walked over and one of them pressed down on my shoulder so that I would not resist. At that moment, I was sitting on the sofa and I was unable to stand up. Seeing them like this, I urgently cried out to God in my heart, “God! They are trying to trap me.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Walking Down the Bright Path of Life

How to Get Closer to God

Xieli, America
I used to be someone who would chase after the trends of the world, I wanted to abandon myself to a life of pleasure, and I just cared about the pleasures of the flesh. I would often go with my friends to KTV all night long, I would go for joyrides in the middle of the night, would go fishing out on the ocean, and travel all around in search of fine foods. I’d see others around me, and they too were all striving to eat well, wear nice things, and enjoy good things. I felt that these were the things that a man must work for in his life, that this is why a man must work hard to earn money, that this is the goal in life that everyone should have.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

You have testified that the words expressed by Almighty God in the book The Word Appears in the Flesh are God’s own utterance, are the scroll opened by the Lamb prophesied in Revelation, and are the words the Spirit says to the churches. So, what proofs can you provide that those words are God’s words? What’s your basis?

Reading and Reflection

Relevant Bible Verses:
I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. (Jhn 16:12-13)

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Breaking Through Satan’s Tight Encirclement ( Part 2)

rapture meaning

Zhao Gang, China
My wife told the sisters what Brother Guan had said to us when he came to our house, and Sister Zhang asked me how I felt about this whole thing. So I told the sisters about the weakness that I was feeling and about the knowledge that I had just come across. Sister Zhang smiled, saying: “Thanks be to God! This is such a pure understanding, this is God’s guidance!” My wife asked, confused, “Since we haven’t made any missteps, why is Brother Guan saying those things? He is a major leader who has believed in the Lord for many years!” I looked at my wife and said: “Hey, he just wants us to come back to our former church!” Sister Zhang smiled, saying: “Right now all that we are looking at is their outward appearance, but we haven’t looked into the substance of their nature!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

We have determined that Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus. Then may we ask, can those religious believers who died before Almighty God does the judgment work of the last days be able to enter the kingdom of heaven and have eternal life?

rapture meaning

Relevant Words of God:
Mankind’s existence is predicated upon the incarnation of soul in turn. In other words, each person gains a human life of the flesh upon the incarnation of their soul. After a person’s body is born, that life continues until the greatest limit of the flesh, that is, the final moment when the soul leaves its shell. This process repeats again and again with a person’s soul coming and going, and coming and going, thus maintaining the existence of all mankind. The life of flesh is also the life of man’s soul, and man’s soul supports the existence of man’s flesh. That is to say, each person’s life comes from their soul; it is not their flesh that originally had life. Therefore, man’s nature comes from their soul, not from their flesh.

Friday, May 4, 2018

The Secret to Saving a Marriage (Part 2) —Almighty God Saved My Marriage

The Secret to Saving a Marriage (Part 2) —Almighty God Saved My Marriage
                                                                              Li Quan
However, when I shared the gospel with my wife, she would not accept it. Then, I asked the brothers and sisters from the church to come and share the gospel with my wife, but she still wasn’t willing to listen and she didn’t want to have them as guests. In light of these circumstances, I could only entrust my eager hopes for my wife to God.

Spiritual Warfare: A Septuagenarian Christian’s Joys and Sorrows Dealing With Her Family’s Resistance

By Jinbu, South Korea A Septuagenarian Welcomes the Lord’s Return I turned 74 this year. I used to be a member of the Three-Self Chu...