Showing posts with label God's love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's love. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2020

I’ve accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days, and I’d like to share the gospel with the brothers and sisters of my former denomination. However, not only do they refuse to accept it, but they have even rejected and slandered me. I’m really upset and don’t want to share the gospel with them anymore. In the face of this kind of situation, what can I do to be in accord with God’s will?

how to closer to god

Relevant Bible Verses:
If the world hate you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you” (Jhn 15:18).
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake” (Mat 5:10-11).

Friday, December 27, 2019

God’s Word Leads Step by Step to Victory

Spiritual Growth

Yili, USA

God’s Word Leads Step by Step to Victory
I was born in a Chinese Christian family, and my grandmother always used to take me to the church for gatherings and to sing hymns in praise of God when I was young…. After I grew up I obtained some grace of the Lord and experienced some of the Lord’s deeds, and I felt even more that the Lord is trustworthy. The Lord’s love for people is the truest, and the Lord’s word has authority and power and can give people hope. Whenever I would sing hymns, pray to the Lord, and read the word of the Lord, I would feel especially steady and tranquil in my heart. I came to the USA in 2007, and was baptized at church in October of 2010, when I began my service. At that time, my heart was impassioned. Because my house was far away from the church, I had to get up at 5:00 to take the subway there. But I felt a sweetness in my heart and that as long as I could satisfy God then suffering these hardships would be worth it. I took part in everything in the church, big or small, and I gained a lot of enlightenment from reading the Bible. But after a few years, without knowing why, when I listened to pastors I would doze off. I didn’t get any clear enlightenment from reading the Bible, and my spirit often sank down into weakness.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A Warm Light After a Dark Tunnel

keys to spiritual growth

By Wang Yuping, China
Just like all the other brothers and sisters who thirst for the return of the Lord Jesus, I too have always longed for our Lord to return soon, to receive us into the kingdom of heaven so that we can enjoy its blessings. Then one day in November of 2006, I finally heard the news of the Lord’s return. Through reading the words expressed by Almighty God and through brothers’ and sisters’ fellowship and testimony of God’s work in the last days, I ultimately recognized that Almighty God incarnate is the returned Lord Jesus. Thereupon, I very happily accepted Almighty God’s work in the last days.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Walking Down the Bright Path of Life

How to Get Closer to God

Xieli, America
I used to be someone who would chase after the trends of the world, I wanted to abandon myself to a life of pleasure, and I just cared about the pleasures of the flesh. I would often go with my friends to KTV all night long, I would go for joyrides in the middle of the night, would go fishing out on the ocean, and travel all around in search of fine foods. I’d see others around me, and they too were all striving to eat well, wear nice things, and enjoy good things. I felt that these were the things that a man must work for in his life, that this is why a man must work hard to earn money, that this is the goal in life that everyone should have.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Breaking Through Satan’s Tight Encirclement ( Part 2)

rapture meaning

Zhao Gang, China
My wife told the sisters what Brother Guan had said to us when he came to our house, and Sister Zhang asked me how I felt about this whole thing. So I told the sisters about the weakness that I was feeling and about the knowledge that I had just come across. Sister Zhang smiled, saying: “Thanks be to God! This is such a pure understanding, this is God’s guidance!” My wife asked, confused, “Since we haven’t made any missteps, why is Brother Guan saying those things? He is a major leader who has believed in the Lord for many years!” I looked at my wife and said: “Hey, he just wants us to come back to our former church!” Sister Zhang smiled, saying: “Right now all that we are looking at is their outward appearance, but we haven’t looked into the substance of their nature!

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Almighty God Led Me Onto the Path of Obtaining Cleansing

free from sin

By Gangqiang, United States
I came to Singapore on my own in 2007 to try to make a living. Singapore is really hot year-round, so I was sweating buckets every day at work. It was utterly miserable, and on top of that I was in a completely unfamiliar place without any family or friends—life felt so dull and tedious. One day in August, I received a gospel leaflet on my way home from work which read: “But the God of all grace, who has called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that you have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you” (1 Peter 5:10). I felt warmth in my heart upon reading these words. After that, I went to church with a brother, where the enthusiastic reception from the brothers and sisters, who asked after my well-being, made me feel the warmth of family which I hadn’t had in a long time. My eyes suddenly welled up with tears—I felt just like I had come home. From then on, every Sunday going to church was a must for me.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

I’m a new believer; I’ve just accepted God’s new work. Since I usually have to work and I’m also busy with housework, I don’t have much time to read God’s words. I’m concerned that the time I have for my faith is too short and that I’m not equipped with the truth. Once God’s work comes to an end, if I still haven’t achieved dispositional change, will God cast me aside?

rapture meaning

Relevant Bible Verses:
For the kingdom of heaven is like to a man that is an householder, which went out early in the morning to hire laborers into his vineyard. And when he had agreed with the laborers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard. And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, And said to them; Go you also into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you. And they went their way. Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Tranquility of Victory and the Calm of Defeat —Obeying God Is Best

Christian Life

Ma Na, USA
During a person’s life, facing success and failure is unavoidable. There are many people who are happy when they have success, and who are frustrated and pained when they face failure. There are even many people who stake all their efforts in wanting to reach a point at which all their hopes are fulfilled, but things are often not how people would like them to be. Because of this, many people think that this life is not as they want it to be. Previously, I also always relied on my own ability in the work I did, and all that I got from that was the pain of failure. But afterward, through experiencing some things, my perspective had a bit of a transformation: Tranquility in success, and calmness in failure—obeying the sovereignty and arrangements of God is the best, and one can also be liberated and free in life that way.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How Can One Find Purpose in Life? This Comic Book Artist Can Tell You From Personal Experience

How to Be Free From Sin

By Shen’ai, Taiwan
One day while watching the news, I saw that a famous Taiwanese comic book artist had died suddenly at just 51 years old. Hearing the news left me with a mix of emotions. He had been a really prominent person in the world of comics and had created a number of excellent works; many people envied and looked up to him. He had both fortune and fame—I had never thought he’d end up dying just like that! I couldn’t help but sigh: When someone dies, no matter how famous they are, how much status they have, what good is it? Then my own 30 years on the path of creating comics occurred to me …

Sunday, November 17, 2019

If I Were Not Saved by God

How to Get Closer to God

Ling Wu, Japan
“If I were not saved by God, I would still be drifting in this world,
struggling hard and painfully in sin, every day bleak and hopeless.
If I were not saved by God, I’d still be crushed below the devil’s feet,
snared in sin and its enjoyments, ignorant of what my life would be.
It’s Almighty God who saves me; all God’s words have purified my heart.
Through God’s judgment and His chastisement, my corrupted disposition’s changed.
All the word and truth God expresses, it has all given me new life.
I have seen my God face to face and have tasted God’s true love.
Finally I’ve understood God’s loving hand holds mine as we go.
Now I have heard the voice of God and been raised before God’s throne.
The feast of my Christ I attend, to be perfected and purified by Him.
What I’d hoped for is finally realized, I have now been saved by God.”

Saturday, November 16, 2019

I Hear the Voice of God and Experience a Wonderful Reunion With the Lord

God's kingdom on earth

The Bible Is the Basis of My Faith
I was born into a Catholic family. Although many of us in the local area followed God, many still smoked, drank alcohol, and worshiped idols, and there were even some in our church congregation who committed adultery. I knew nothing about the Bible back then, and when I saw the church leaders and my fellow believers living in such a way, I blindly followed suit and smoke and drank as well. One day in 2011, several brothers who believed in the Lord Jesus came to our village to preach the gospel.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

I Found the Correct Purpose of Life and Said Farewell to the Days of Selling My Life for Money

How to Be Free From Sin

By Jinqu, South Korea
“God chose me from a vast ocean of people, miraculously arranging that I come to His side. His kind words warmed my heart, His earnest calls woke me up from my dream. That familiar voice, that beautiful countenance have not changed from the very beginning. In God’s family I taste the sweetness of His love. I lean close to Him and do not want to part again. Without God, the days were hard to bear. I staggered along with each step full of pain. Only with God’s hidden protection did I reach today. And now with God’s words by me I am satisfied” (“Attachment to God” in Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs). Whenever I hear this beautiful and melodic hymn, I am filled with gratitude to God. It was God who saved me from the abyss of money and caused me to no longer work so desperately hard, and I said farewell to the days of selling my life for money …

Thursday, October 31, 2019

I Understand the Essence of Wealth and Find at Last My Happy Life

rapture bible meaning

By Dan Chun, Indonesia
“You’re really overestimating yourself if you think you can send your kid to college when you have no money!”
“Exactly. That’s just trying to go beyond your means for vanity’s sake. If you’ve got no money, then you should make your kid go out and find a job. Forget about college!”

Monday, October 14, 2019

Sunday, October 6, 2019

That Day the Sky Was Especially Clear and Sunny (Part 3)

Jesus Return,how to closer to god

By Tian Ying

After returning home, I kept thinking over the fellowship made by the sister, and I thought to myself: That little sister today was so loving, she really was nothing like what the pastor said she was. Also, what she was saying is all in the Bible. It really was ill-founded of me before when I believed that “to be saved once is to be saved forever.” I thought back on all the years I have believed in God and realized that I was constantly living in circumstances where I would commit sins and then confess them, but all along I couldn’t solve this, and I personally went through a lot of suffering. I felt that if I went on believing like this, in the end I could not attain God’s praise.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Reunited With the Lord

Jesus Return

By Jianding, USA
I was born into a Catholic family, and from an early age my mother taught me to read the Bible. That was during the time the Chinese Communist Party was building up the nation after the civil war, and since the CCP government was suppressing all religions, I was 20 years old before I finally got the chance to go to church and listen to sermons. The priest often said to us: “We Catholics must properly confess our sins and repent. We must do good, not evil, and always go to Mass. During the last days, the Lord is going to come and judge everyone and send people to heaven or to hell based on their behavior. The greatest sinners will suffer eternal punishment in hell, whereas those who commit minor sins can still go to heaven as long as they confess their sins to the Lord and repent. Anyone who doesn’t believe in the Lord will never get to heaven, no matter how good they are.” When I heard this, I rejoiced that I had the good fortune to be born into the Catholic faith. I told myself to be serious in my seeking, attend Mass more often, and confess my sins and repent to the Lord more so that I could go to heaven and not suffer in hell. That’s when I developed the determination to go to church and participate in Mass regularly. The priest also told us then that the Lord would return in the year 2000—we were all elated to hear that, and we all became very earnest in our pursuit, awaiting the Lord’s return. But the year 2000 came and went and we didn’t see any sign of the Lord’s return. Many in our congregation lost their faith, and fewer and fewer people attended Mass. I also felt a sense of disappointment, but I still felt that my faith in the Lord wouldn’t be shaken, no matter what others did. That was because there had been many times when I’d been in danger when the Lord had protected me and I had emerged safely. If it hadn’t been for the Lord’s protection I’d have died long before, so I wasn’t going to be so ungrateful as to lose faith in the Lord.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Return of a Prodigal Son

Christian Life

I was born in a small town in southern China, and starting from my paternal great-grandmother’s generation, our family has believed in the Lord. Stories from the Bible, hymns of worship and ecclesiastical music in the church accompanied me as I passed through the happy days of my childhood. As I started getting older, pressure grew in my studies, and in my heart I started to slowly grow distant from the Lord. However, the Lord never left me, whenever I would call out for Him, He would help me. The grace and holy name of the Lord Jesus are rooted deep within my heart.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

God’s Love Accompanied Me Throughout My Ten Years in Prison

By Li Gang
How many decades does one have in this life? Yet I have been arrested twice by the CCP for my belief in God, and was robbed of a total of ten years. During those ten years in prison, I was subjected to cruel and inhumane torture. It was the guidance of God’s love that allowed me to emerge alive from prison …

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Blessing That Was Almost Missed

Believing in Rumors and Lies and Rejecting God’s Salvation Several Times

In the past, I saw the propaganda from TV news and public bulletin boards: The CCP government opposes and cracks down people believing in Almighty God. It also says that anyone who discovers these people should report them and that the informer will be rewarded with 500 to 2000 yuan for reporting each of them. So I thought: It’s too dangerous to believe in Almighty God. I dare not believe. Once I’m arrested for belief, what a shame it will be!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

A Friend Loves at All Times—Gospel Reflection on Proverbs 17:17

Proverbs 17:17

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”


Everyone needs friends and hopes that they have the best confidant. It is said in Proverbs 17:17, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Actual friendships can stand the test and environment of time. Without friends, we will be lonely in our life path. Instead, those who have good friends won’t fall down, even if they suffer setbacks.

Spiritual Warfare: A Septuagenarian Christian’s Joys and Sorrows Dealing With Her Family’s Resistance

By Jinbu, South Korea A Septuagenarian Welcomes the Lord’s Return I turned 74 this year. I used to be a member of the Three-Self Chu...