Showing posts with label faith in God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith in God. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2020

I’ve accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days, and I’d like to share the gospel with the brothers and sisters of my former denomination. However, not only do they refuse to accept it, but they have even rejected and slandered me. I’m really upset and don’t want to share the gospel with them anymore. In the face of this kind of situation, what can I do to be in accord with God’s will?

how to closer to god

Relevant Bible Verses:
If the world hate you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you” (Jhn 15:18).
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake” (Mat 5:10-11).

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Discerning Modern-Day Pharisees and Welcoming the Lord Jesus’ Return

Jesus Return

By Hanmei, Myanmar
The Wonderful Surprise of the Lord’s Return
 In June 2017, I got to know Sister Liu and Brother Duan, both in Germany on Facebook, and through my communication with them I saw that they were genuine and modest people. They had a very pure understanding of the scripture and the content they shared in fellowship really contained light and was very beneficial for me. After joining them for a few gatherings, I understood a number of truths I never had before. My heart was really brightened; I loved meeting with them. During one gathering, Brother Duan referenced this passage of scripture: “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:27). In his fellowship, he said that God would once again appear and work in the flesh in the last days, and that He had already come to the East, to China. He said that this prophecy had already been fulfilled. Hearing this, I felt a bit shocked, thinking, “The Lord Jesus has already returned?” In this state, I thought of what I had heard the pastors and elders say, that only the people of Eastern Lightning bore witness that the Lord Jesus has already returned in the flesh. They told us we couldn’t believe in this, because only the Lord Jesus is Christ. I then felt really unsettled and no longer took heed of Brother Duan’s fellowship, thinking, “The pastors and elders are all people who serve God. They understand a lot about the Bible and they should have clarity on something as important as the Lord’s coming. I’ll ask them and then see!”

Thursday, December 19, 2019

How should one submit to and experience God’s work of the last days in order to achieve salvation?

How to Be Free From Sin

The Answer from God’s Word:
The work of the Holy Spirit changes from day to day, rising higher with each step; the revelation of tomorrow is even higher than today’s, step by step climbing ever higher. Such is the work by which God perfects man.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Spiritual Warfare: Two Months Spent “Imprisoned” by My Husband

Spiritual Warfare Testimonies

By Baituo, South Korea
“My wife, you’d better keep the bank cards. It’s my fault for having blindly believed the CCP’s rumors and for trying to obstruct your belief in God, and even taking the bank cards away from you. Oh, let’s not talk about it anymore. Belief in God is a good thing. You keep on believing in God, and I won’t bother you anymore.” Hearing my husband say this, I kept offering up my thanks and praise to God in my heart. Thinking back over these past two months, if it hadn’t been for God’s guidance, I’d still be living “imprisoned” by my husband …

Monday, October 7, 2019

What is a false leader or false shepherd? How can a false leader or false shepherd be discerned?

free from sin,Jesus Return

Relevant Words of God:
Work in the mind of man is too easily achieved by man. Pastors and leaders in the religious world, for example, rely on their gifts and positions to do their work. People who follow them for a long time will be infected by their gifts and be influenced by some of what they are. They focus on people’s gifts, abilities and knowledge, and they pay attention to some supernatural things and many profound unrealistic doctrines (of course, these profound doctrines are unattainable). They do not focus on changes to people’s disposition, but rather they focus on training people’s preaching and working abilities, improving people’s knowledge and rich religious doctrines.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

That Day the Sky Was Especially Clear and Sunny (Part 3)

Jesus Return,how to closer to god

By Tian Ying

After returning home, I kept thinking over the fellowship made by the sister, and I thought to myself: That little sister today was so loving, she really was nothing like what the pastor said she was. Also, what she was saying is all in the Bible. It really was ill-founded of me before when I believed that “to be saved once is to be saved forever.” I thought back on all the years I have believed in God and realized that I was constantly living in circumstances where I would commit sins and then confess them, but all along I couldn’t solve this, and I personally went through a lot of suffering. I felt that if I went on believing like this, in the end I could not attain God’s praise.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What is hypocrisy?

How to Be Free From Sin

Relevant Words of God:
What is the definition of the term “Pharisee”? It is someone who is hypocritical, who is fake and puts on an act in everything they do, pretending to be good, kind, and positive. Is that what they’re actually like? They’re hypocritical, and so everything that is manifested and revealed in them is false, it is all pretense—it is not their true face.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

I Learned to Discern Between the True Christ and False Christs and Welcomed Jesus Christ’s Return (Part 2)

second coming of Jesus

By Xiangwang, Malaysia
Brother Zhang continued his fellowship, saying, “God is the truth, the way and the life, and besides discerning between the true Christ and false Christs by the principles of God’s work, we can also discern them by the essence of Christ.” At that point, Brother Zhang sent over a passage of God’s words: “God become flesh is called Christ, and so the Christ that can give people the truth is called God. There is nothing excessive about this, for He possesses the substance of God, and possesses God’s disposition, and wisdom in His work, that are unattainable by man. Those who call themselves Christ, yet cannot do the work of God, are frauds. Christ is not merely the manifestation of God on earth, but also the particular flesh assumed by God as He carries out and completes His work among man. This flesh is not one that can be replaced by just any man, but one that can adequately bear God’s work on earth, and express the disposition of God, and well represent God, and provide man with life. Sooner or later, those who impersonate Christ will all fall, for although they claim to be Christ, they possess none of the substance of Christ. And so I say that the authenticity of Christ cannot be defined by man, but is answered and decided by God Himself” (“Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

Monday, August 12, 2019

2019 Full Christian Movie "It's Good to Believe in God" | Based on a True Story (English Dubbed)

2019 Full Christian Movie "It's Good to Believe in God" | Based on a True Story (English Dubbed) To earn enough money to live a good life, Ding Ruilin and her husband put in bitterly hard work to open and run a business. But, thanks to the CCP government's exploitation and abuse, they remain heavily in debt, and have no choice but to go abroad to work. To make more money, Ding Ruilin takes on two jobs.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

A Letter From a Recovered Cancer Patient to Her Sister

Little Sister:
Hello! I got your letter a few days ago and it made me really happy. We haven’t been in contact for a long time, so now that I know you’re all well and that you’re living the proper church life, my mind can rest easy. You asked why I hadn’t been in touch with you for such a long time; you must surely have been worried that something had happened to me, right? Actually, I’ve been going through a trial of illness during this time, and the doctor gave me a death sentence. But I miraculously survived under the guidance of God’s words, and now I’m completely fine. You probably want to know how God guided me through this trial of illness, don’t you? Let me take you through everything that’s happened.

Friday, July 5, 2019

How God’s Words Helped Her Overcome the Temptation of Losing Her Wealth

Qin Miao
“The factory’s out of business, it’s been closed.”
Hearing that urgency in her younger brother’s voice over the phone, Lianying felt for a moment like something had exploded in her head and then her heart leapt into her throat. How could that be possible? She hoped she had heard wrong. Half-aware, she asked: “The factory … closed? What on earth happened?”

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Seeing God’s Hand in the Hardships of Selling and Buying a Home

Ma Ling
Part 1
Deep in the night when all was quiet, Ma Ling stood in silence by the window thinking about a conversation she had had with a church leader that day.
The leader, Sister Bai, said: “Sister Ma, one of the people taken in the most recent wave of arrests of brothers and sisters by the CCP government was a sister who used to stay at your home. We’re afraid that the police will track her movements through video surveillance recordings, and in that case you would certainly be implicated. The duty that you’re currently performing would be impacted too. I don’t know if you have any particular plans.”

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Breaking Through the Fog to See the Light

Faith, China
I am an ordinary worker. At the end of November, 2013, a coworker saw that my wife and I would always make a lot of noise about little things, that every day we were worried and distressed, so he passed on the work of Almighty God in the last days to us. From the word of Almighty God, we have learned that the heavens and earth and all things were created by God, and that man’s life is bestowed on him by God. We have also understood the truth of the mystery of the six-thousand-year management plan, the mystery of the incarnation, God’s three stages of work in saving mankind, the significance of God’s work of judgment in the last days, and other respects. My wife and I thought that happening upon God incarnate having come to save mankind during our lifetimes was a great blessing. We happily accepted God’s work in the last days, and led a church life. Under the guidance of the word of God, we both pursued the truth and to transform ourselves, and whenever something happened and we started to argue, we wouldn’t just find fault with each other like we used to, but rather we would reflect on ourselves and try to know ourselves. After that, we acted in a way that forsook the flesh in accordance with God’s demands, and our marital relations became better and better, and our hearts became peaceful and steady. We felt that believing in God was truly good. However, while we were joyous and happy to follow God, when we were enjoying the blessed life, we were faced with a violent attack coming from our families…. Just when I was losing my way, it was the word of God that guided me to see through Satan’s scheme, and to break through the fog and enter onto the radiant and correct path for life.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

138-B-1 Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth” (IV)

The work of the last days is to separate all according to their kind, to conclude the management plan of God, for the time is near and the day of God has come. God brings all who have entered His kingdom, that is, all those who have been loyal to Him to the end, into the age of God Himself. However, before the coming of the age of God Himself, the work that God desires to do is not to observe the deeds of man or to inquire about the lives of man, but to judge his rebellion, for God shall purify all those who come before His throne. All those who have followed the footsteps of God to this day are those who have come before the throne of God, hence all who accept the last of God’s work are those to be purified by God. In other words, all those who accept the last of God’s work are those who will be judged by God.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

135-B-6 Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “It Is Very Important to Establish a Normal Relationship With God” (IV)

Some people ask, “How can I establish a normal relationship with God? Are there things I should put into practice to guarantee this? If I am to establish a normal relationship with God, in which aspects do I need to commune with God and pray to God to attain this?” There are 5 major aspects. If you are able to attain normal contact with God, normal communion with God and have normal prayers to God through these 5 aspects, you are assured to attain a normal relationship with God. First, to commune with God you must read the word of God, and based on the word of God you must plead and pray to God. Second, you must recognize your own true situation through the word of God, and see your own deficiencies, understand your own corruption, pray to God, plead to God, beseech God to save and cleanse you. To have a true burden for your own life entry, this is the most important. Third, you must entrust unto God that which you cannot yourself obtain or accomplish. You must be able to rely on God and look to God. That is the third aspect. Fourth, you must completely deliver your own heart and your whole person to God. You must accept the judgment and purification of God and be perfected by God. Fifth, if you are able to disobey God, if you are able to betray God, then you must be able to curse yourself, and plead for the punishment of God, and this is very important! If you commune with God this way, are you not expressing your true feelings? These are the actual details of these several aspects of communing with God.

Monday, April 8, 2019

What Is Repentance? Gaining Inspiration From the Story of King David

By Shuxun, Italy
Whenever King David is mentioned, my mind conjures up the image of when he was in his teens and, by relying on the strength of Jehovah, he used a slingshot to kill the giant Goliath with a stone. Afterward, he went to war, won many battles and did many heroic deeds. It is also recorded in the Bible, however, that when David became the king of Israel, he had Uriah killed and then took his wife Bathsheba. God’s righteous disposition therefore came upon David and, through the prophet Nathan, God spoke to him, saying, “Now therefore the sword shall never depart from your house; because you have despised Me, and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife” (2 Samuel 12:10). King David had sinned, and God had punished him. So why did God thereafter take delight in David and say that David was a man after His own heart? I felt very puzzled by this. In order to figure this out, I sought and prayed to God many times, and I found many verses in the Bible. Through seeking and fellowshiping with my brothers and sisters, I finally found the answer.

Monday, March 11, 2019

136-A-2 Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “In Your Faith in God You Should Obey God” (I)

After listening to this passage of the word of God, what truths do you understand? What is God saying in this passage of the word of God? What truths are being expressed? What requirements do they have for people? Can you see these things clearly? In this passage God expressed the truth regarding how to truly believe in God. Or more precisely, what does it mean to believe in God? “In Your Faith in God You Should Obey God.” So, believing in God is obeying God; it is submitting to the work of God. The ultimate goal which the work of God will achieve and accomplish is to make all those who believe in God able to truly submit themselves to God. This is the significance of belief in God. This passage of the word of God communicates the truth of believing in God. In these past several fellowships we have discussed the word “It Is Very Important to Establish a Normal Relationship With God.” We have finished discussing that aspect of the truth, so now we will discuss the word “In Your Faith in God You Should Obey God.” This truth is equally important. There are many who do not know the meaning of belief in God. They have a very shallow understanding of what it means to believe in God, and think that believing in God is merely admitting that there is a God. They think that if they just participate in a few religious activities, that is believing in God. Is this viewpoint correct?

Thursday, March 7, 2019

135-B-2 Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “It Is Very Important to Establish a Normal Relationship With God” (IV)

Let’s start this fellowship now. “It Is Very Important to Establish a Normal Relationship With God.” We have communicated this piece of God’s word three times. I’m not sure if the majority of brothers and sisters have much of a grasp or understanding of these words of God. Perhaps someone will say, “Why are we still talking about this piece of God’s word? If we believe in God, then just let us believe. Why must we establish a normal relationship with God?” These are the thoughts of some new believers. So we must continue our fellowship to make it clear. Why is it that having faith in God involves establishing a normal relationship with God? This is a subject that every believer must understand clearly in their hearts. We are all clear about how the Lord Jesus did redemption work during the Age of Grace. He was nailed on the cross and died for us. We received the Lord Jesus’ salvation, and our sins were forgiven before we started to pray to God and had a connection with God. Who opened up the road to having a connection with God? It was God who personally established this path when He became flesh during the Age of Grace. If we hadn’t had Jesus’ redemption, would we sinners have had the qualifications to pray to God? Would we be qualified to have a connection with God? Perhaps someone will ask, “Now, if we believe in God and pray to God, God will forgive our sins. We are able to offer ourselves to God and expend for God. Isn’t that all there is to this? Why is it that we still need to establish a normal relationship with God?” Would you say that there is a mystery here? There is a mystery here inside. There is truth that must be sought. You will need to figure it out, “God, what is the importance of establishing a normal relationship with You? I still do not understand. From the Age of Grace until now, we have been praying like this for 2,000 years and You did not say these things. Why do You say these things now during the last days? What kind of meaning is there to this? Where is the mystery? God, may You enlighten and illuminate me.” This is a truth-seeking prayer. After you have finished reading God’s words, you must understand God’s intentions. Why does He require us believers to establish a normal relationship with Him? There is meaning to this! The things that God does, the requirements He has of man, the things He must accomplish, all of these are the most meaningful of matters. Let’s look back at Adam and Eve. In the Garden of Eden, what was it that caused them to leave God? Someone said, “It was because of Satan’s corruption that God chased them out of the Garden of Eden.” Now, why is it that man got corrupted by Satan? What is the reason that man got corrupted by Satan? It is because man did not have an understanding of God and did not have the truth. If we have the truth and we understand God, would Satan be able to corrupt us? Why is Satan unable to corrupt Christ? It is because Christ is the truth and He cannot be corrupted. Satan’s evil teachings and fallacies can confuse mankind but they cannot confuse Christ. Isn’t this the case? What is the end result that we want to achieve through establishing a normal relationship with God? We want to achieve an understanding of the truth and of God. If we understand the truth and God, would Satan be able to corrupt us? Would we be confused by all the different kinds of evil teachings and fallacies of this wicked world? Would all the different kinds of poison of the great red dragon poison us? It cannot poison us. Why is this? It is because we understand God, we have the truth as our life. This is how we can thoroughly distance ourselves from Satan’s influence and be completely obtained by God.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

125-B-7 Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “‘The Sixth Utterance’ of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe”

The matter of knowing God is very profound, and the little that we know is very superficial. So no matter how much of God’s work you experience, should anyone dare to say that he has any knowledge of God? He cannot say that! If he says this then he will be disgraced. Today I have communicated this and that to you, and there are people who think, “This brother understands more than we do, this brother knows God!” You are wrong to say this. I do not dare to say this—I do not know God, I only have some experience and have some shallow and superficial knowledge. I do not acknowledge that I am someone who knows God, as I am not qualified. I just have this little amount of experience and this shallow knowledge, and it is not enough to know God. You must understand! To whatever stage you have experienced, no matter how the Holy Spirit works, and even if people hear you communicate and they feel it is quite advantageous, in no circumstances should you say that you know God, because you yourself know that you have only reached to a certain shallow level. You are clear in your heart about what level you have experienced to; while other people do not know, do you yourself not know?

Spiritual Warfare: A Septuagenarian Christian’s Joys and Sorrows Dealing With Her Family’s Resistance

By Jinbu, South Korea A Septuagenarian Welcomes the Lord’s Return I turned 74 this year. I used to be a member of the Three-Self Chu...